Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If it isn't one thing....

Sometimes, real life really sucks as far as the internet is concerned. My internet isn't the best, just probably good enough to run WoW at the lowest capability. But when you lose it for about half the month, causing you to be even booted from your guild because of said lack of absence, it can really put a damper on things.

Luckily, everything has been repaired and I'm back in Stalwart Heroes once again...just in time for the Great Hunter Nerf to hit us. My Poor pets damage has been lowered while still taking hits from other players like rats, and while riding a Mechostrider and getting rep up makes up for things a tad, I'm thinking of having a majority of my pets stuffed and may even see the day when I turn survivalist hunter.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Your using a cheating devi...oh, wait....

There's been a lot of talk lately about hacking Brawl, be it to get rid of the annoying tripping mechanic (Something that players still wonder why was even put in to begin with) or adding in the Melee airdodge, which is something from what I've seen to actually BREAK the game play of Brawl.

Overall, Using any hacking device, imo, is a bad idea. Changing how any game is plays unbalances, no matter what you might think, It would take YEARS of practice to even figure out what's too strong for a character and what's strong enough. As much as I love the idea of King DeDeDe getting a bit stronger and possibly losing his Chain throw, the fact that he've got no idea how it'll effect him, I just think it's a bad idea to try something like that, particularly that Brawl is still so young when it comes to how long it's been out.

Now while I agree on that Brawl wasn't perfect when it came to it's competetive game play, but going into the game and having you personally change it, well, I rather know what I'm going to be dealing with in any situatian instead of having to hack my Wii myself to even learn how to play the 'Brawl+'.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Old things I'll never experince

I wasn't a player back in 'Vanilla Wow' as the game is called that had all the content before BC. I never had to go through any of the Vanilla endgame content, such as ZG, Ak20, and Dire Maul. And as such, I've missed out on quite a few unique items, mounts, and other little things over the years.

Of course, not all of it's bad. I'll never have to suffer the Tauren's old lack of mounts, or some of the horrific difficulties of finding/grinding that one pet that had a faster attack speed then the others. And, of course, I'll never have to go through those few quests that make me have to go through half the entire world just to get an item I'll never use (well, if I don't go and try to get the Lore Master achievements.). However, with the new year, I'm going to look foraward to all the new things I'm going to experince. Not just in wow, but with Brawl and Pokemon too, with Brawl+ (A hacked Brawl) gaining steam and Platnum and it's new moves on the horizan. It promises to be an interesting year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Winter's Veil To All!

With School over and Christmas around the corner (As well as that Merrymaker Achievement for Aranis) I finally have a lot more time to do things, including the blog. So, starting tomorrow, expect full, long articles dealing with Wow, Pokemon, and Super Smash Brother's Brawl!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Apologies Around

Sorry for my lack of absence, but I AM a college student who's doing his finals. With luck, though, I'm almost done and I'll be able to post more. Overall, Aranis has hit 80 and I'm raiding with my buds. I've already got two of the gear pieces suggested by BRK himself!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Star in the sky

Well, I've been noticing that I've been going a tad overboard on WoW lately, so today I set some time by to level up some of my pokemon, and I remember why I haven't played it lately. There's not that much to do after beating the game other then fighting your friends, and no one seems to want to do that with me lately. On the other hand, though, it's fun EV training (If you don't know what that is, I'll gladly explain it to you in another post).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Loving Wrath

Yeah, I bet that what most people thought when I didn't post for a while, but what can I say, Wrath of the Lich King is fun. Just like how Blizz did different quests in the begining of the Burning Crusade to make it more fun then just a simple grind fest, they did the same thing here in Wrath. And I must say its' quite enjoyable to go to the Flight Point and end up flying on a dragon or airplane instead of the normal flying mount.

Also, turns out that Shadowmeld has a new effect! It's basicly a free Feign Death/Vanish now for all Night Elves, and for those of us who were Hunters and Rouges already... Let's just say that PVE is going to be a bit more fun to do.